Short update this week on minor progress towards Build 11. We discuss indie games like RimWorld that provide more compelling gameplay than many AAA experiences.
Today, day 3, I explore more of the weird, fascinating aspects of gaming available at GenCon. From Sharkbears to Pizza games, to Female Pink Darth Vader today its the biggest day of all!
Day 2 was even more interesting than Day 1 as new discoveries abounded everywhere I looked! Wait till you see Photosynthesis the board game, or Mongolian Goat Rodeo! Truly GenCon is the greatest 4 days in gaming!
We dive into progress this week in generating the living breathing world and then layout the 3 steps necessary to getting Build 11 out in, we think, early Sept.
Nic and Thomas share what we've been working on: Thomas built way too much fishing functionality, and Nic continues bringing the world alive with the NPC Relationship screen.
We show how NPC interaction goes far beyond anything found in any other game. ANY NPC can join you and participate in ANYTHING from fishing to fighting, dance to dungeons.
As a mage growing in power you should be able to customize the spells, right? Well we agree so in this design update we show how the spell customization process works and all the cool things you can find or discover in the world.