Quick update on how the game is progressing.
With the new website done its time for the last missing promotional piece: a trailer.
We had hoped the live demo would provide the raw footage necessary to create a trailer, but it just didn't work out. Even on my beefy Alienware desktop running the game AND live streaming AND recording high res raw footage just killed performance of everything. So I have to re-record gameplay footage.
Also, we've discovered the kind of footage that goes into a sub-3 minutes trailer is different then what goes into a guided demo. To that end I've had to make some additional features to the game just so the trailer looks better. :-)
When the trailer is done, that's it for promotional/marketing work, back to focusing on the game.
This game needs more bandits!
I've spent the majority of this week learning how to program shaders in Unity. To date I've outsourced the shader dev but I need to understand it for myself. I don't expect I'll ever be great at it (John Carmack won't take my calls), but I need to know how to modify what others are giving me, understand better what I'm asking others to do, and bang out easy stuff to avoid the whole outsource loop of: explain->wait->review->wait->receive->try it.
My next game sprint involves:
- Make a basic effect shader
- Get the game world state to save (it used to work)
- Move to Unity 5
- Move to Visual Studio 2015