Many a time I’ve been asked “Mod support?” or some variant of that - “Do you support UGC User Generated Content?” And I would hum and haw and say it isn’t a goal, but I’ll try not to do anything that prevents in the future.
Well Michel and I are working on the Events system and I didn’t want to have to reload the game every time I changed an event for testing. He put in live loading.
I then asked, “How hard would it be to allow players to live load events? And if the GUID is the same, we take their version over the one that ships with the game?” And it wasn’t that hard.
So here is a demo of the live loading and how I add a new event to the game.
Oh, if it isn’t clear, once the event is “in the pool” it’ll show up in the game. But no one wants to wait for that, so we have a console command to make it show.
Instructions will come when we actually ship this update. Still don’t know when that will be.