This week we discuss the author's journey and listening to the creation, then we show how the simulated people are really alive, moving around on the map, going about their business.
Update #46: Business Update & Economy in Build 11
This week Thomas gives a quick update on the financing of the project. Then we dive into some of the major tech changes we've made to the economy as we make the world more and more realistic. Near the end of the video we show how NPC traders move around the road system buying and selling goods, and some new tech we made to be able to see any NPC on the map.
Update #45: Build 11's Spooky Evil Grinder
Update #44: Build 11's Makin' Babies
Update #43: Build 11's 25 New Features
As we've been working on preparing Build 11 we've had to add some new features. First one, then two more. And now we're at 25! In this update we list them all and demonstrate some of them. This is why Build 11 is taking so long to prepare! And Nic let's slip the most powerful object in the game, ruining the surprise. Enjoy!
Update #42: Meet the Team: Musician James
Update #41: Meet the Team: Designer Thomas
Update #40: Meet the Team: Programmer Nic
Update #39: Meet the Team: Writer Andrew Hoogheem
Update #38: Meet the Archmage Rises artist Rogier van de Beek
Meet the man behind all the artwork in Archmage Rises! As we continue to work on build 11, we take a moment to introduce you to longtime team member Rogier van de Beek. We ask your questions (and some of our own) about his background, how he became a game artist, work on other RPGs like World of Warcraft TCG, Pathfinder, and Starfinder, and his work on the game.