This is a special year end review on the current state of Archmage Rises for fans, stakeholders, and indie game devs. We review work effort, financials, fan survey, and then the next steps on how to finish the game through to release. I hope you enjoy the transparency. I’m happy to clarify anything or answer questions.
Build 11.3 Update
Build 11.2 Update
Build 11.1 Update
Build 11 Now Live (Sorta)
Update #82: West Coast Progress Update Part 2
Update #81: Build 11 is in Testing Right Now
Update #80: Small Progress
Update #79: Build 11 Release Date
Update #78: Dynamically Generated Quests - How it Works
This week our update is a little different. I peel back the layers and show some of Archmage Rises secret sauce for creating and utilizing a very detailed world to create quests. I have been struggling with procedurally generated quests displaying in a compelling way to the player. This week shows some of the challenges, why it is taking so long, and what the benefits are of the systems are.