This week Nic and I dive into how the 3D dungeons are coming along, and specifically how the game AI will decorate and display rooms based on Theme and Purpose.
Update #95: Meet Daniel!
Update #94: Hiring Update
Update #93: Dungeons & Lore
In this update I cover three important topics: First, putting to practice some of the realizations from the break. Second progress on the 3d Dungeon Generator. Third, progress on the Lore and fantasy in the world of Vaelun, the setting for Archmage Rises
Joining me this week is longtime friend and follower of Archmage Rises, Neil!
Update #92: 10 Realizations from a Purpose Driven Break
Update #91: Indie Dev & Motivation
Update #90: Quick Status Update
Update #89: 3D Dungeons (Work in Progress)
Update #88: Evolving Dungeons
Dungeons are one of the most beloved aspects of RPGs, yet one of the lowest rated aspects of Archmage Rises. With the start of the New year, I decided to dig in and renovate the dungeon system. Top of the list is increasing theme and variety of the dungeons. Then Rogier drops a bomb: What if we rendered the dungeons in 3D?
Indie Game Dev Productivity Tools
Here is my list of productivity tools and why I use them. I can’t claim anything beyond “they work for me”. Tools are like golf clubs: use whatever gets the ball in the hole. A friend of mine played a quick 9 with only a nine iron and a putter. It was impressive to see him drive 100 yards with a nine iron!