Build 13.4 Hotfix Released

13.4 Release Notes

  1. Implemented a new “Battlemaster” which is designed to create interesting, context aware, combat scenarios.

    1. If you are in a field, props like a tree or boulder will appear.

    2. If in a dungeon room with a barrel, the barrel will appear in combat.

    3. Battles now have a main race, for the territory you occupy, and associated races. If you are in goblin territory, you will face goblins. But you won’t face only goblins. This is a big departure from the past. Now you will have goblins, and maybe a bat or a wolf or spiders to mix it up. This makes combat way more interesting.

  2. Fixed all of WillSama's bugs

    1. The outfitter list was longer than the screen. Fixed.

    2. When being kicked out of the inn because it is closing time, the player is given the option to pay to stay the night

    3. When searching for a lair, if you are in the right hex, it always succeeds and shows you the lair. Even if you failed to find anything else.

    4. Previously only trail rations were automatically eaten as time passed, now they are preferred but once they are gone if you have any food in inventory it is eaten

  3. Spell icons were sometimes disappearing when being disabled. This is now fixed.

  4. Combat hang bug is fixed