NEW Combat Fixes
It is a huge relief to get the new combat and spell progression system out. We have something solid to build upon.
This week’s focus is fixing priority combat issues and letting the dust settle.
Here is what we are working on for a Thursday patch:
We’ve read every bug reported, these are current priorities:
Clicking lag and other performance issues
Giant monster sprites taking up the whole battlefield
Weapons breaking combat
Equipment re-equipping bug/exploit
Based on the feedback combat is too hard, we’re revisiting the tuning
We’re revisiting Character Creation to get you more starting spells. This will address some of the “Combat too hard” issue.
I made a bad call that led to errors in the quest quantities. Separate from the combat branch we made some fixes to the dialogue highlighting code. Then we merged it in last minute and it created problems. We got a hotfix out on Sat evening.
We’re finishing off the Skeletons race to get them back into the game